Disposable Spirometry Supplies Manufacturer

Manufacturer of Disposable Spirometry Filters, one way valves, calibration syringes and Pulmonary Filters.

Spirometry Cardboard Mouthpieces with Hydrophobic Membrane

The SpatterGuard™ is a single use device designed to prevent sputum and saliva contaminating the Spirometric equipment.

Spirometry Mouthpiece with Hydrophobic membrane

Cardboard Mouthpieces with Hydrophobic Membrane

The SpatterGuard™ is a single use device designed to prevent sputum and saliva contaminating the Spirometric equipment. It is NOT a bacterial / viral filter .

The product is designed to improve accuracy and repeatibility by preventing blood, saliva and sputum from adhering to the Turbine or Screen of the Pneomotac.

This disposible device is manufactured from our high quality cardboard and the mouthpiece is fitted with a plastic injection moulded insert. The hydrophobic membrane is utrasonically welded to the plastic insert and is structurally supported to prevent accidental inhalation. This cardboard hydrophobic membrane mouthpiece is latex and PVC free.

The device is available in 3 sizes.

  1. SG – 300.
  2. SG – 302.
  3. SG – 305.
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